Training Needs Assessment - Part 2

Learning Content Analysis



Is the right content being trained?

  • Is content aligned with the project goals?

  • Is the content appropriate for the targeted audience?

  • Will the content be used on the job immediately?

  • Do we receive regular feedback on the content via training feedback/reporting?



Are we conveying the knowledge effectively?

  • Is the delivery method appropriate for the targeted audience needs?

  • Is the content engaging?

  • Do the activities foster learning?

  • Is the individual time to proficiency what we expect?

  • Is the knowledge being retained as expected post deployment?

  • Is the content packaged into “digestible” pieces?



Are we doing it as quickly and cost effectively as appropriate?

  • Is the development time appropriate for the content being delivered?

  • Are the development, delivery and administration costs in line with expectations?

  • Are we efficiently leveraging people, tools and content across sectors?

  • Can the content be easily updated or modified in response to change in business?



Is the delivery of the content consistent and repeatable?

  • Is the content being delivered as designed consistently across each sector?

  • Can the content be easily updated or modified in response to changes in the business environment?

  • Do we anticipate frequent updates due to technology changes/customization?

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